Posts tagged Olympics
CNN Opinion: Omicron and the Olympics could be on a collision course with China's zero-Covid strategy

Can Chinese officials -- who initially kept the 2003 SARS outbreak under wraps for months and have not been fully transparent about the origins of Covid-19 in Wuhan -- be trusted to provide realistic case figures during the February 2022 Winter Olympics?

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CNN Opinion: Canada has big decisions to make on China

In this geopolitical new normal, where a more assertive China ignores international norms, nothing can be taken for granted. Beijing responds to toughness, not half-hearted soft diplomacy. As such, Canada needs to bulk up its foreign policy muscle to avoid being outmaneuvered on the international diplomatic podium.

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CNN Opinion: The ugly reality behind Belarusian Olympian Kristina Timanovskaya’s defection

After forcing down a civilian airliner from European skies in May to detain a journalist who was on board, perhaps it was only a matter of time before “Europe’s last dictator,” Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, would be thrust back into the international spotlight and once again face fresh condemnation for his abhorrent actions.

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