Posts tagged China
WHO Chief Slams 'Vaccine Diplomacy,' Says Delaying Pandemic's End

As the major Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers ship millions of doses overseas, often with strings attached, the head of the World Health Organization warned them again ‘geopolitical maneuvering.’

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Amid Covid-19 Downturn Here’s Where to Profit - Jim Rogers

Amid an unprecedented economic upheaval, the renowned American investor and financial commentator shares his wisdom in where to invest - and where to move in 2021. Excerpts from the podcast, Global Impact. 

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Coronavirus Pandemic: Latest Update (April 6, 2020)

As the Covid-19 pandemic makes it terrifying march around the globe, ravaging the economy along with it, we are at a point where things could still get worse before they get better.

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What Makes a Wuhan Catastrophe?

Wuhan-based writer 方方, who has been a formidable force in Chinese literature, has been writing blog entries illuminating the tragedy left in the wake of the COVID19/coronavirus. Parts of the posts, in which she lashes out in anger at people that consider the city’s anguish under COVID19 crisis overblown, have been translated and offer a rare insight behind the scenes.

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In the Field: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a Pacific nation few people get to visit. Extremely isolated with a challenging terrain, it has its share of problems. But it also has enormous potential above and beyond the rich natural resources. I find out more during a one-month fact-finding mission…

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