Posts tagged Cnn
CNN Newsroom: February 22, 2023

On the eve of the one year mark of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I speak to CNN Newsroom’s Victor Blackwell and Bianna Golodryga about the situation in the ground. As well as possible softening of support among Americans for US aid to Ukraine

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CNN Opinion: Odesa used to be known for two things -- the port and raucous hedonism

Nothing prepared me for what I have witnessed in Odesa. Eerily quiet streets, closed roads, tank traps and military checkpoints, deserted beaches, near-empty restaurants and bars. Last year, more than 3 million tourists visited the city. This year you're more likely to find war correspondents, aid workers and diplomats in its seaside hotels.

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CNN Opinion: What Could make Myanmar's Military Junta Back Off?

If the Myanmar generals get their way, the number of people living under military rule, together with those in Thailand, in that corner of Southeast Asia will almost double to about 124 million people. That is a prospect ASEAN, and the broader international community, must prevent at all costs.

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