Posts tagged Vladimir Putin
BBC World Television: August 1, 2020

Michael Bociurkiw speaks to BBC World TV's Global about the implementation of a complex and risky deal brokered by the UN and Turkey to unlock Ukrainian gran blockaded by Russia.

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CNN Opinion: Odesa used to be known for two things -- the port and raucous hedonism

Nothing prepared me for what I have witnessed in Odesa. Eerily quiet streets, closed roads, tank traps and military checkpoints, deserted beaches, near-empty restaurants and bars. Last year, more than 3 million tourists visited the city. This year you're more likely to find war correspondents, aid workers and diplomats in its seaside hotels.

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CNN Opinion: Who's standing up to Russia on Navalny poisoning? Not America

With the German government's announcement Wednesday of "unequivocal evidence" that the nerve agent Novichok was used in the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, we are once again reminded how a vacuum in global leadership -- notably, in this instance, the silence of the American President -- can potentially open the way for the world's strongmen to reach for the deadliest means to silence their critics.

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